
Why do healthcare professionals use the NHS dm+d database?

Mar 17, 2023

There are many reasons healthcare professionals use the dm+d, including: Check product availability, view and compare prices, order and dispensing

Simon Zedlewski
Content Manager, Datapharm

Healthcare professionals access the NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) database every day to view medicine information. It is the pharma companies responsibility to ensure all their products are listed on the dm+d, as to comply with the NHS standard.

Find out more information about the NHS dm+d database on our blog post: What is the NHS dm+d and why is it so important.

There are many reasons healthcare professionals use the dm+d, including:

Check product availability

HCPs access the dm+d to view products available in the market for specific medicines. It’s particularly important to identify any restrictions on availability and discontinued products.

View and compare prices

The dm+d is an important source for medicine pricing information for Pharma customers. Community pharmacy, dispensing doctors, CCGs, hospitals, wholesalers and buyers of all kinds use the dm+d regularly to view product availability and pricing and to make local formulary decisions.

Order and dispensing

When a product is in the dm+d the information is fed into GP, hospital and community pharmacy systems, which facilitates prescribing, dispensing and product reimbursement.

For a detailed list of the information included in the NHS dm+d, visit our blog post, What information is included in the dm+d database?

For more information on any of our products, please get in touch with our Client Services team.

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