How Datapharm distributes medicines information through emc
Jun 16, 2021
At Datapharm, our mission is to improve the effectiveness and excellence of healthcare product information, as well as the accessibility of safety documents. We have developed emc and emc publisher to provide reliable, accurate and up to date information.
At Datapharm, our mission is to improve the effectiveness and excellence of healthcare product information, as well as the accessibility of safety documents.
Our emc regulatory solution provides reliable, accurate and up to date information.
What are emc and emc publisher?
The emc website supports Healthcare professionals, carers and patients. This enables them to make safe, informed decisions about medicine, improving patient safety, medicine administration and patient adherence.
The electronic medicines compendium (emc) contains up-to-date, easily accessible information about medicines licensed for use in the UK. There are more than 16,000 documents published on emc, all of which have been checked and approved by the regulator.
With our emc regulatory solution, pharma can upload regulatory, MHRA approved, reference safety documents such as:
- Patient Information Leaflets
- Summary of Product Characteristics
- Risk Minimisation Materials
- User manuals
- Product Information
The product information page can also host videos, live chat and chatbots.
How are safety documents published and distributed through emc?
The emc regulatory solution provides a trusted product page that hosts all pharma regulated materials in one place.
We’ve developed a video which will guide you through the journey of medicine safety documents: from the publication to the distribution (HCPs, GP practices, hospitals, CCGs and third-party).
Once content like SmPCs and PILs are published on emc, Datapharm drives the digital distribution and integration into Clinical Decision Support Systems so HCPs can safely and effectively deliver patient care.
Content is also distributed to GP, hospital and pharmacy IT systems to support HCPs with prescribing and dispensing decision making.
Medical publications also use emc as a vital source of medicine information to provide expert advice. Examples are NHS, UKMI, BNF, NICE, EMA and more.
What are the regulations?
Pharmaceutical companies in the UK are required to comply with regulations by ensuring their medicine safety information is available and up to date for use by HCPs and patients. For more information about the regulations for medicine information visit: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency - GOV.UK (
Pharma also need to access the dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices) and are required to submit their product information into the dm+d to ensure their products can be prescribed and dispensed by Healthcare IT systems in the UK. You can find out more about how and why this should be updated by reading our blog, What is the NHS dm+d and why is it so important?
For more information about Datapharm's emc regulatory solution please contact us.